What I learned from my roosters…

A few months ago we added chickens to our backyard.  Yes, we already had one, but she is more like a member of the family… I joke that she needed pets.

Molly Boy
We had one chicken that was ‘unsexed’ and knew we had a 50/50 shot of a hen, which is what we wanted.  However, as Big Red started showing signs that he was indeed a young rooster, our little Molly started to crow (he is now known as Molly Boy).

When I am already awake and going about my day, I don’t mind hearing the roosters crowing.  In fact, I find it endearing.  I even enjoy hearing their little ‘crow-offs’ in the middle of the day.  However, roosters do like to crow at (or just before) the break of dawn.  And when I am sleeping, I do not like to hear a rooster crowing. That once sweet enjoyable sound grates on my nerves.  The roosters are doing the same thing they always do, but at that moment I do not want to hear it… I do not want to be awakened.

The other day I when I was listening to the roosters I came to a realization.  We believers enjoy hearing a strong voice teaching the Word of God and heeding the call.  We find the small lone voice endearing and refreshing.  We even like to hear to opposing views having a crow-off, or theological debate.  However, that is only when we are awake.

When we are asleep, we do not want to be awaken to the Truth.  We want to stay in our slumber and ignore what is around us.  We want to continue on the path before us, listening to the things that ‘sound good and pleasing,’ rather than open our eyes and see we’ve been asleep and what we were believing or following is not true.

I have not been blogging long on a consistent basis.  Yet, I have had friends – and those I thought were friends – ask me to stop writing, to stop posting. What I am saying offends them. I am writing in love, in hopes that believers will seek the Word for themselves – to know what is true. But the truth does offend.

Too often we find ourselves following a person, a pastor, or a ministry.  We think all the fabulous Christians we’ve followed would never be deceived – or at least not that easily.  We’ll be told we know the others working and heading up the ministry...would they allow anti-Bible things into this amazing ministry?  If they are asleep, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

We hear just enough truth to follow along, slipping into a peaceful slumber. We listen to what people say about the Bible rather than searching Its depths. We put our trust so much in others that we do not believe they could stray from the truth.  We are warned of this in the Bible – so do not be deceived!  Any one of us can fall asleep and follow the wrong person – which is anyone for we are all fallible.  We should follow Christ alone.  Anyone else – no matter how well-meaning – can lead us into a slumber, where we are blinded from the truth.
Big Red

Wake up, believers! Wake up!

“…‘I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God. So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you…” (Revelation 3:1-3)


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