We have answers!!

Okay, so now I know what is the main culprit of all my problems... my gall bladder.  Evidently the symptoms do not always revolve around the area that needs attention.  Which is why so many doctors never really checked my gall bladder.  So... I will be visiting  surgeon tomorrow to go over the best course of action.  My doctor believes removing the gall bladder will relieve many if not all of my symptoms.  Who'd have thought that a bad gall bladder that stays too long could be responsible for joint pain?

I did also have a shot of B-12 today, since apparently that was low.  Other than the B-12, all my blood work looked great, my heart is doing well at its job, and my arteries look like they should for my age.  Absolutely no signs in the blood work of lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Woo Hoo!!  Hopefully I will soon feel better than I have in years.

I also learned a new word: cholecystitis.  This is a word that the monographer used.  I don't know why they couldn't just leave it as swollen gall bladder.  My doctor told me the walls of my gall bladder were thick.  I thought this was a nice way of saying swollen, but a quick search on the web (yeah, we all know how reliable that is) indicates that thickness is a result of being swollen too long.  Hmmm... maybe I should quit surfing the 'net now and wait until I talk with the doctor. =)

Now removing another organ after having a hysterectomy does beg to question... exactly how many organs in my body can be removed???  Hopefully this will be the last one!


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