If God is for us, who can be against us?

Background: Almost two years ago we moved to a new town… not a town we thought we’d select - we had wanted to stay close to our good friends as well as to our church - but God provided a house with everything we needed in this city, so we followed where He provided. When we moved in, unlike anywhere we’ve lived before, we could feel the darkness surrounding us. Our friends encouraged us that God was going to use us to be a light in this darkness.

We have made some friends - Christians and non-Christians alike, and we have some lovely acquaintances. We have enjoyed living in an area where my husband can speak Spanish a little more often and where we and our children benefit from learning about different cultures first hand.

When a leader in our neighborhood stepped down in January 2022, my husband and I felt God was leading me to step into this leadership position as part of our getting involved with and ministering to our new community - for those trying to read between the lines, yes, this is for a kind of large HOA; and for those who knew me before we moved to Florida, as hard as it is to believe, yes, we actually moved into an HOA. As soon as I stepped into the position, we began being attacked. God led me to pray for my enemies specifically by name as I prayed for our community as a whole.

On February 22 of this year, after our enemies went to a new level to plant distrust in the neighborhood’s leadership, God released me to step down from my position. Not for my personal desires nor for anything I did - those who know me know that I handled every aspect of my position with truthfulness, honesty, and transparency. But because if it is possible, as far as it depends on me, I strive to live at peace with everyone. I believe the Proverb which states, “avoiding strife is an honor for a person, but any fool will quarrel.”  However, when there is a lack of trust, the community cannot thrive. And the Enemy planted seeds of doubt and distrust, and I knew those would not be uprooted as long as I was serving in leadership. “See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek what is good for one another and for all people.” (1 Thessalonians 5:15).

Tonight, at the Christ Tomlin concert, I was reminded that while the Enemy may have won this skirmish, we are still in this battle, and Jesus has already won the war.

To those of you going through struggles, remember, this is not where it ends! God knows what you are going through. He has already seen how your struggles will end. And nothing is a surprise to Him - He knew when He created the world exactly what you would be dealing with today. And He has provided a way for you.

Whom shall I fear? I know who goes before me; I know who stands behind. The God of angel armies Is always by my side.


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