Why I am leaving Facebook

"Why are you leaving Facebook?" Quite a few people have asked me this question lately. I thought I would publicly let all my online friends know the 'whys' of my decision.

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding on why so many people are choosing to leave Facebook at this time. First, I want to clarify: I have been planning this for a while. I have taken breaks from Facebook throughout the years. I always come back because of my friends and family – I love the pictures and memes, and historically there has been a lot of uplifting posts from which I have benefited. However, a few months ago I knew I need to start planning my exit strategy. I downloaded my Facebook information and then started debated when to leave and if I wanted to leave all my friends in Facebook land. For me, it is more than just the current climate of Facebook, but that is where I want to start.


I see friends asking why people are leaving, attacking people for leaving, and ridiculing people for leaving. I also see friends posting they are sad to see people leave to go to like-minded communities – who seem to believe that people are leaving because they don’t want to be with people who are not just like them. That is completely inaccurate for almost everyone I know leaving (at least of those who have said why they are leaving). The mass exodus of Facebook has nothing to do with differing viewpoints and everything to do with censorship. Censorship was the final straw for me… the camel’s back has been broken.


Some people are saying we need to stay with Facebook because we need the different voices there, however, Facebook is not allowing the different voices there. I have had posts removed and flagged as inaccurate and misleading. Some of these posts were absolutely 100% correct – I did the research. Some of the posts were videos I shared, which also were not inaccurate but, rather, someone’s view point. Some posts removed were Scripture. Some were clearly opinion and stated as such. None of the posts I had removed were false, misleading, or harmful. Many of the posts my friends had removed were either news reports or obvious opinions. Facebook is becoming a place where you can only have one opinion – theirs.


Why are some people getting flagged and posts removed and not others? I really do not know, but I suspect some of my liberal families and friends may have reported my posts. Since Facebook now ‘fact checks’ according to their liberal bias, I believe people are more willing to report posts with which they do not agree because it will appear to just have been randomly fact checked rather than being ‘turned in.’ I got this impression when I would see friends posting strongly opinionated posts opposite of mine and referring to ‘a friend’ who posted – shortly before I got flagged. I also noticed a while back that I had ‘friends’ whom I never received a request and never knew. It appeared Facebook added friends to my list for some reason – perhaps to follow people who may have a differing viewpoint.


Now to the things leading up to this point. I had previously taken breaks from Facebook for several reasons – and those were the first reasons I also starting thing about deleted Facebook. First, some people are overly sensitive. They take things the wrong way and assume the worst. I never want to hurt anyone, so I usually delete those posts or comments, but there are just too many snowflakes to keep them happy. Second, Facebook is a time sucker. You think  you are just going to quickly scroll through your feed and an hour later you are still there! Time is too valuable to spend so much this way. 


Finally, especially since last year, there is just more and more hate on Facebook.  Some people are looking to be offended. I have one relative who commented on so many of my posts – even just pictures – just to attack me. I do block such people to keep family relations in tack and I do pray for them, but I cannot deal with mean bullies, no matter their age. I have had relatives call me names just because I have a different viewpoint. I have had friends get upset because I post more conservative thoughts and they disagree. I truly believe many people say things behind a keyboard they would never say to a person’s face. From the far left to the far right, I have seen people who are kind and loving in person call groups of people names, attack ideologies, and make real jerks of themselves – and those who have a tendency to be like that in person are even worse. Social media has contributed greatly to the division in this country.


I don’t mind the fake people on Facebook – we all know no one’s life is that perfect. However, there is no excuse for all the hate and hurt people are spreading.


I will truly miss the funny memes, the family and pet pictures, the memories in my feed, and keeping up with family and friends. I believe that was the original intent of social media, and it is why I joined. I have enjoyed seeing the ‘real’ of some of my friends – some people I never thought of as being a friend before social media have shown true kindness and understanding towards others. I have a new appreciation for people I grew up with. I enjoying keeping up with the people we moved away from. However, as I keep oscillating between staying or going, I have to ask myself if I am making excuses to stay when my family would benefit from my leaving? Whenever I am on social media, I could be doing something with my family or getting my sleep so I can be with my family the following day.  While I love seeing what is happening in the lives of my family and friends, my heart breaks as some of them are showing a heart filled with hate and division.


I would still love to keep up with you! I will be on occasion checking Parler – and I have text and email! I am even considering resurrecting my blog for those who have asked me to stay online so they could read what I have to say. For those who want my pictures, text or email me and I will try my best to keep you updated.


I hope to see more of you in real life!


  1. I will miss your thoughts and insights. Can I subscribe to your blog? I have not moved to Parler and will prob. at least establish a presence, but have not yet.


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