Ever wonder, what is the difference between MOPS and a Moms ministry? Well, MOPS is a well known name. Someone Google's "moms group" she is going to see info about MOPS. A non-Christian or someone unchurched is going to see MOPS, put in a zipcode search on their website, and find our groups. They are going to come. We are going to demonstrate a Christian worldview, expose them to church (some for the first time, some in just a really long time). Their kids are going to go to MOPPETS and hear about Jesus. And something that just happened in our group is going to happen. The mom and/or dad is going to get saved. Join a church, start raising their family in church. Lives are changed for the Kingdom. And why? Because MOPS is a known quantity, a brand that gets people in the door a church that wouldn't normally go to church. It's not an internal ministry to just women at our church. It is unique among church ministries because it serves a dual purpose - internally takes care of moms who already know Jesus. And externally, it brings in non-church goers and shows them all about our Savior in a daily walk kind of way. I think so many groups don't get it. Why MOPS? Because it brings women and families into a Christian environment who might never had considered church as something for them and their family - something that the average moms ministry at a church doesn't always do because it often serves a more internal group of women. I'm not criticizing church women's ministry. I'm just saying how much I LOVE MOPS because it is an amazing outreach, mission-minded organization that meets moms of all types where they are. I share this because we just had a dad get saved. Someone who never would have crossed the door to a church, but because of MOPS, his wife made friends, they invited her to church, and she eventually convinced him to come. And he made a life changing decision to join the family of God! Amen!
Written by Mandi Livingston, MOPS Volunteer Staff
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