Reality Check
Okay, I just have to say this, and some of you will be offended (sorry)! Many people, including myself, are making more and more things at home - from sauces, ketchup, bread, and jams - to quilts and crochet washcloths - to household cleaners and dish and laundry detergent. Some of us are doing this because of allergies, some for better quality, others to save a buck, and some of us just for the challenge.
Nothing wrong with any of these reasons. I do it for three of those reasons: allergies, quality, and challenge. Yes, I do sometimes to save a buck on some items, but there are just as many times when I am paying just as much if not more to make it myself, which is frustrating, actually. I know I spend more on my good olive or canola oil I use in making mayo than I would on a jar of Duke's, but my son is allergic to soy, so I make our own. Yes, I spend more on the local honey to make my ketchup than I would on a bottle of Heinz, but I'm going for quality (you can use corn syrup, though, to save money and still come out with a better product than name brand). And my husband even said it wasn't worth the money saved to make our laundry detergent - until he got hooked on how well it cleans. Another benefit to all these things is that my children get to see how things are made, and they enjoy it!
But there are some people - even some of my friends - who are doing these things because they believe there will be a day that we will not be able to buy even the simple necessities. It is to these people I am speaking. Yes, there is always a possibility of a market failing, even our own country could fall (which I believe someday will, but pray it will not be in my lifetime). Don't get made at me for this remark; Rome was a great world power once, too. Yes, there will be a day that only those with the mark of the beast will be able to make purchases. I don't think this is going to happen tomorrow, however, if we are truly following Christ, we also know that we are not to worry about these things but are to be aware and prepared.
However, when you are making your own laundry detergent and the day comes that for whatever reason we no longer purchase laundry detergent, do you seriously think you will be able to buy the Borax, Baking Soda, Washing Powder, and Fels-Naptha??? Unless you are growing EVERYTHING you need at home, when there comes a time when we cannot purchase these simple necessities, you are going to be in the same position as the rest of us.
So, I am implore you, do what God leads you to do, do what is best for your family, and use common sense - and if it falls within those guidelines, have fun and do what you enjoy. But please don't make everything 'from scratch' at home in the name of Doomsday. This gives the rest of us who are just a little quirky a bad name.
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