Reality Check
Okay, I just have to say this, and some of you will be offended (sorry)! Many people, including myself, are making more and more things at home - from sauces, ketchup, bread, and jams - to quilts and crochet washcloths - to household cleaners and dish and laundry detergent. Some of us are doing this because of allergies, some for better quality, others to save a buck, and some of us just for the challenge. Nothing wrong with any of these reasons. I do it for three of those reasons: allergies, quality, and challenge. Yes, I do sometimes to save a buck on some items, but there are just as many times when I am paying just as much if not more to make it myself, which is frustrating, actually. I know I spend more on my good olive or canola oil I use in making mayo than I would on a jar of Duke's, but my son is allergic to soy, so I make our own. Yes, I spend more on the local honey to make my ketchup than I would on a bottle of Heinz, but I'm goi...