
Showing posts from September, 2016

Who is in Your Tribe?

There will always be times that we, in our human flesh, will disappoint just as there will always be times we will be disappointed by others. There is always going to come a time when you don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye with even your best of friends.  However, in true friendship you look beyond those disagreements and look to what is really important to your relationship - how important you are to each other.  I once thought I had my tribe in an organization, especially after I became a leader at its highest volunteer level and was welcomed into a small 'sisterhood' of like-minded women. But the way some of the women from what I considered my "tribe" have behaved and treated others, myself included, is inexcusable… they are only with you if you agree with them on all fronts.  You disagree with something, you are called names, lumped with others by stereotypes, or ridiculed.  You leave the organization, you leave the tribe.  This painful process can ...

My Summer of Rest

This year I got to take the summer off.  Now, my friends who know what all I did this summer would say that is a crazy, unfactual statement. I took my children strawberry picking and we made a dozen jars of strawberry jam. I went with my youngest to CentriKid (a children’s camp) in Alabama. I went with my older two on a Student Life Missions camp in North Carolina.  I spent a week in South Carolina visiting family (and a good friend). While in South Carolina I purchased a lot of peaches, which means I made lots of jam and some canned peaches. I took children to various birthday parties. I spent time with my children and my chickens - and a little time running from a bossy rooster. I started our homeschool back up and I went to an out of town funeral.  Physically, my summer was very busy, mostly good, and exhausting. But before you say it, no, I am not lying about taking the summer off. Compared to my summer, I did not physically do very much this past spring, but I...