Respond in Love

Like most people I know, I grieve over the state of our nation, over the divide between our people, and over the lives recently taken; and I am outraged by the actions of my fellow citizens. I am mad that we as a country are not yet respecting each other as equals. I am angered by people blocking highways and interstates, keeping ambulances from quickly rendering aid, from employees getting to work, and from moms and dads returning home to their families. I am furious that people are using recent events as an excuse to attack others. Yet at the same time I am heartbroken for all the people affected by these issues. I am sad so many do not respect life - their own or the lives of others. I am mournful over those who souls have not found true peace. All lives matter. No one is better than anyone else. We all are created equal, we all are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. We are all equal in God's eyes. We are all broken; we have all done wrong. In our co...