A Change in My Path

A couple of years ago I came to a mountain on my path. I asked God to move the mountain; He had me camp beside it. Earlier this year He led me around the mountain and I came upon a river. By this time after getting used to the mountain, I wanted to walk through these waters to pass through, continuing on my path. But God did not part the waters to allow me through. He said wait. I waited beside those waters until this recently. I got up expecting God to turn me to a different direction without looking back. I knew months ago I would not be crossing those waters. In February I received confirmation of that through a good friend, our pastor’s sermon, and words of friends from church. On the way home from church one day I prayed about what I was supposed to do - how and when I was to turn from these waters and take a different path. After years on the same path, I knew it was going to be bittersweet and strange - not just for me, but for my family - to...