Leading Through Mistakes
Being a leader is tough. We are not perfect, and as much as we don't like the fact… we will make mistakes in leading. Being a leader means when you make a mistake, many will see it. Being a leader means when you mess up, everyone in your group will be affected. Being a leader means knowing how to handle these situations. If you are a leader in any type of group, you already know that you cannot please everyone every time, and that sometimes your group just isn't the right fit for someone. However, you should never let those two truths become a crutch. You will make mistakes. You will sometimes be wrong. How you handle your mistakes and respond to those who point out an issue is what will mark you as a leader. When someone has a grievance against your decisions or leaves your group, you have two choices: hide behind the thought that your group is not a good fit for everyone and that people just like to complai...