
Showing posts from January, 2013

My Weight Watchers is Not the Same as Your Weight Watchers

As some of you may remember, I have tried Weight Watchers several times.  I had success after my first two children on Weight Watchers, except I always got pregnant while doing the program and had to stop the program.  But when I joined again a few years ago after moving to Tennessee, I ran into some problems.  First, I was still new to town, and the group did not quite have that welcoming feel to it.  Second, we had already made the switch to more natural/organic foods.  So I included eating 'real foods' or 'whole foods' within my POINTS and I was ostracized at the meetings because I would not drink the diet drinks or eat the 'low-fat' and 'fat-free' versions of food.  And finally, when Weight Watchers switched to the POINTSPlus program, I began gaining weight. I want to lose weight, but I don't want to do it by eating chemicals, processed foods, or genetically modified foods.  So this month when a group of my friends decided to join Weight Wa...

The Healing That Has Begun

Wow... can it really have been 3 months since my last post?!?!  Well, I guess that is what happens when you become ill.  Since if you are reading this I assume you probably have read my previous posts on health issues and weight loss failures, so I thought I should update you on what has been happening.   Since I last posted I ended up with some severe health issues.  To truly understand this post, it may be helpful to read previous posts - "We have answers!!," "What a Whirlwind!" and "The Long Road to Recovery." So, like I said, I ended up with sever health issues - worse than in "The Long Road to Recovery."  Severe as in bedridden since late October until the beginning of January.  Obviously my gall bladder surgery did not help.   In fact, it made me worse.  To try to figure things out, the doctor decided to send me to a gastroenterologist, who decided to do a colonoscopy.  My abdominal pains became even worse.  So now I...